How To Draw Up Functional Diagrams

How To Draw Up Functional Diagrams
How To Draw Up Functional Diagrams

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The operation of each technical system is characterized by some physical indicators. When solving specific production problems, it is often necessary to change the value of these parameters, to regulate them. Automatic control systems serve this purpose in complex systems. To create automatic control of parameters, an analysis is carried out, which ends with the drawing up of a functional diagram of the device.


Step 1

Consider the procedure for constructing a functional diagram of automatic control of the fuel level in the carburetor. Define the functional elements of the control system, find analogies in the problem you are solving.

Step 2

Determine how the device works. In our example, an increase in fuel consumption, its level in the float chamber decreases, which leads to a lowering of the float. Together with the float, the needle drops, the shut-off valve opens, increasing the flow of the fuel mixture. Result: the fuel level in the float chamber is restored to normal.

Step 3

Establish what is the object of regulation (OR), the controlled value, the disturbing and control actions in the system under consideration. In this case, the object is a float chamber, in the space of which the regulation process takes place. The value to be changed is the fuel level. The disturbing effect is the change in fuel consumption. The control action is the supply of fuel to the chamber in order to restore the preset level.

Step 4

Find a functional block serving as an executive device (IU). In this example, this is a shut-off valve. The lower the needle is, the more mixture will be fed into the float chamber.

Step 5

Determine what plays the role of a sensor (D) and a master device (memory) in the system. Our sensor is a float that measures the fuel level and converts this level into movement of the valve needle. The master will be the length of the needle shaft.

Step 6

Combine all blocks into a single functional diagram. Sign each block and indicate the links between them. As a result, you should get an image that clearly reflects the functional chains in the automatic control system. By analogy with the considered example, draw up a similar diagram for the system you are considering.
