What Is High Technology

What Is High Technology
What Is High Technology

Rapid advances in technology are transforming people's lives beyond recognition. Much of what science fiction writers used to write about is becoming reality. Based on the latest discoveries, products are created that change familiar things. The palm in this regard is held by high technologies, which account for the largest number of advanced achievements.

The most modern and knowledge-intensive of them are called high technologies. Created on the basis of advanced scientific achievements, they bring revolutionary changes in various areas of human life. High technologies have always existed, at one time even replacing a stone ax with a bronze one became a real technological breakthrough that allowed a person to rise to a qualitatively new level. In the last century, the most significant achievements were the taming of nuclear energy and the creation of laser technologies, the emergence of transistors and microcircuits, the invention of computers and cell phones … The list of advanced achievements of scientific and technical thought is very long, it would take more than one page to list them.

The new century places very high demands on the industrialized countries. In order not to be among the laggards, Russia needs to invest in breakthrough science-intensive technologies. One of the features of high technologies is that their creation requires a strong scientific and financial foundation. It is impossible to create a modern product without the necessary material and scientific base, and qualified personnel are of great importance. For example, to create a modern microcircuit, it is required to accumulate in one production hundreds of scientific and technological achievements, which very few countries can do.

The production of modern aircraft, including military ones, is no less knowledge-intensive. So, it was in Russia that a unique production of blades for aircraft engines was created; so far no other country has been able to repeat this technology. Thanks to the know-how used (from the English know how - "I know how") Russian-made turbine blades are much cheaper and much better than foreign ones. At the same time, in many industries, Russia lags far behind other industrialized countries. So, you are unlikely to find a Russian-made cell phone or computer, most of the components of radio electronics produced in the country are also created abroad. To overcome this lag, a number of science-intensive industries are being created in Russia, including the production of processors and other electronic components.

High technologies in medicine are of great importance. Thanks to the implantation of modern electronic implants, deaf people are regaining the ability to hear, pacemakers have been extending the life of patients with cardiac arrhythmias for decades. Operations to replace heart valves, or even complete heart transplants, have long become commonplace. Modern materials make it possible to create virtually wear-free artificial joints, and the latest 3D printers allow you to grow a real kidney by successively building up layers of living cells. That which until recently seemed like science fiction, is becoming more and more firmly entrenched in people's lives.
