How To Transfer Music From Computer To IPhone

How To Transfer Music From Computer To IPhone
How To Transfer Music From Computer To IPhone

Table of contents:


To download music to most phones, just one usb wire is enough. But in order to throw music from a computer to an iPhone, you also need a special iTunes program.


Step 1

To transfer music from computer to iPhone, install iTunes on your computer. Download it from the official website (download link

Step 2

Launch the app and connect your phone via usb cable or wi-fi network.

Step 3

Create a new playlist in iTunes by choosing the appropriate tab in the File menu. Add the desired tracks to it and wait for the copying process to complete.

Step 4

In the Music section of the iTunes menu, check the box next to Sync Music. Click the Apply button. Thus, you will be able to throw music on your iPhone.

Step 5

If you want to create several different playlists, they will also be saved separately in the phone during synchronization. This is very convenient for listening to music according to your mood.

Step 6

To make it convenient to synchronize music on your iPhone and computer in iTunes, go to “settings” and in the “add-ons” section, check the box next to “copy to the iTunes Music folder when adding to the library”.

Step 7

You can create multiple playlists for easy listening to music on iPhone. Exactly the same as those created in the program will be created on the phone during synchronization.
