How To Set Up A Beeline Network

How To Set Up A Beeline Network
How To Set Up A Beeline Network

Table of contents:


The Internet has long become an integral part of the lives of many young people today. Even adults and seniors are trying to master the use of the Internet for various purposes. There are a huge number of providers, i.e. companies specializing in providing users with Internet access. Often there are situations in which you need to independently configure access to certain resources on the network, and sometimes just connect to the Internet without anyone's help. If your provider is "Beeline", then it is not so difficult to do this.


administrator account


Step 1

Connect the network cable extended to your house by the installers of the company "Beeline", and make sure that this network card is connected and active. In the settings of the local network, which will appear after connecting the cable, specify the automatic selection of the IP address and the preferred DNS server. This is a prerequisite for the provider, since the router distributes the IP on its own.

Step 2

Open the following menus in sequence:

Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Set up a new connection or network. Select the items "Connect to a workplace", "Use my Internet connection (VPN)".

Step 3

Enter any name of the destination. In the line "Internet address" enter

Step 4

Enter in the line "User" your personal number specified in the agreement, and specify the password. Click "Connect".

Step 5

Now go to Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings. Open the properties of your new VPN connection. Go to the "Security" tab. Specify VPN type: automatic, data encryption: optional (connect even without encryption). Save the settings.
