How To Set Up The Internet On A Chinese Phone On The Beeline Network

How To Set Up The Internet On A Chinese Phone On The Beeline Network
How To Set Up The Internet On A Chinese Phone On The Beeline Network

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Regardless of the model of the mobile device, the Internet is configured for phones in the same way, the only difference is in the access point and data for accessing the Internet. These settings are already operator dependent.


Step 1

Go to the connection settings menu of your mobile phone, select the parameters of the Internet connection. Choose to create a new profile or edit the current one, name it Beeline Internet. Select an access point (the parameter may have the name APN), specify for it. Enter beeline in the login and password fields. Apply the settings and set the profile as the default.

Step 2

Please note that the GPRS Internet service must already be connected to your number, usually it is enabled by default when registering a new subscriber. If it was disabled during the operation of the mobile device, reactivate it. Call the technical support service of Beeline operators at 0600 and select the mobile phone setting in the voice menu. Next, go to the service management menu and connect the Internet, then configure it.

Step 3

Use an operator connection to get automatic settings for your operator. By calling 0600, select the connection with a technical support worker and ask to send the GPRS settings to your number. After that, you will receive a message, in the context menu of which you will need to select the application of parameters.

Step 4

Connect the Internet through the "Personal Account" section on the website. To do this, you need to have access to the phone, to which the password for logging into your account will be sent. Add Internet to the service management menu, where you can also choose the tariff that suits you.

Step 5

Internet setup does not depend on the mobile device model, so use this sequence even if you have a regular non-Chinese mobile device. Please note that it is important here that the phone supports the GPRS Internet connection technology, since this is not available for older models.
