How To Install The Menu On Your Phone

How To Install The Menu On Your Phone
How To Install The Menu On Your Phone

Table of contents:


Modern mobile phones support the function of replacing the inner shell: themes, menus and other graphic elements. This gives you the ability to customize the look and feel of your phone's system according to your preferences.


  • - a computer connected to the Internet;
  • - telephone;
  • - cable;
  • - files of icons and menus for the phone.


Step 1

Download icons and menus for your phone to your computer. To do this, follow the link Next, connect the phone to the computer, go to the system folder using the Far Manager program, for example, in Sony Ericsson this is the tpa / preset / system / menu directory.

Step 2

Copy the downloaded icons and the menu file (usually into this folder. Confirm the copying process by clicking on "OK".

Step 3

Install the flash menu to your phone. To do this, you need a menu file in swf format. It needs to be tied to your topic. You can accomplish this using the Easy Flash application. You can download it at the link Download and install the program on your computer.

Step 4

Launch Easy Flash to bind the file to the theme and install the menu on your phone. Go to the "Subject" field, specify the path to your theme, it must be in *.thm format. Next, in the "Flash menu" field, specify your menu in swf format.

Step 5

Click on the "Create It!" Button. Open the folder with the program, in it find the created archive with the name of the theme. Run the program to connect the phone to the computer, go to the "Misc files" field, select the created package to add a menu to the phone.

Step 6

Click the Flash button. Turn off the phone and press "C", insert the cable. The message Phone detached will appear on the screen, which means that the process is complete. Close the app, disconnect the phone, remove and put the battery back in, turn on the phone.

Step 7

Bind the theme to the menu file using Themes Creator application ( Open the theme with it, select the Tools menu, run the Edit Xml command. Enter the following text into the file:. Click OK. Install the theme and menu to your phone in the same way as in the previous paragraph.
