How To Connect An Inverter

How To Connect An Inverter
How To Connect An Inverter

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Inverters are becoming more and more popular these days. This is not surprising, all of them can convert direct voltage to alternating high voltage (usually + 12V). Also, inverters match the output stage with the input impedance of the lamps and, most importantly, provide protection against overload and short circuit, which saves household appliances. They are very convenient in cars, since they are powered from 12W, and not all equipment pulls such a voltage, so they came up with converters.


Step 1

Connect the inverter to the battery (using the clamps and observing the polarity - red clamp to + and black to -). If there is a connection between the vehicle electrical system and the battery, it is not necessary to disconnect it. When connecting the inverter outputs to the battery, a small spark should appear. Remember not to connect a 12 W inverter to 24 W or 48 W transport wiring and vice versa. Also, you cannot parallelize the outputs of two or more inverters.

Step 2

Connect the devices you need, which are rated for power from 200 watts, to the outlet.

Step 3

Use an extension cord if necessary. Its length can be up to 50 meters (a longer cable is unlikely to be needed even in a limousine).

Step 4

Turn on the instrument button. The green LED should light up to confirm correct operation of the inverter. It will remain green as long as the battery voltage is within acceptable limits.

Step 5

Consider another important point that applies to almost all car inverters. If during the operation of the inverter on the load, the battery voltage drops below 10.5 W or 21 W / 42 W (depending on the power supply) and remains so for 1 minute, the inverter will automatically shut down. Thus, protection against complete battery discharge and damage is ensured.

Step 6

With this level of battery discharge, you can make 2-3 more attempts to start the engine (in summer conditions) until it is completely discharged. If the battery landing lasts less than one minute, the inverter will not shut down. This will allow devices with higher starting voltages to start again. A short-term drop in the voltage level is not scary, because in such a short time the sulfation of the battery plates will not have time to occur.
