How To Connect The Grid

How To Connect The Grid
How To Connect The Grid

Table of contents:


The number of active users of computer technology is growing every day. This process leads to the fact that in many homes there are already laptops or desktop computers. And in some cases, there are several of the above devices. Naturally, many of the owners of a certain number of computers want to combine them all into a single local network. The realization of this desire is facilitated by the presence of a huge number of options for creating such a network.


  • switch
  • network cables


Step 1

Before you start creating your own local network, determine for yourself its type and structure. The point is that if laptops prevail among computer equipment, then it is most reasonable to use wireless data transmission technologies. And in the case when you are dealing only with stationary computers, it is logical to create a wired local area network. Depending on your decision, purchase either a Wi-Fi router capable of creating a wireless access point, or a switch. Consider also the fact that the router is capable of combining the functions of a wireless router and a switch, so if you plan to connect laptops to your network in the future, then it is better to purchase it.

Step 2

If you nevertheless decide to create a wired local network, then purchase a switch with a certain number of LAN ports through which you will connect computers to it. Install the switch close to an AC outlet. Purchase network cables equal to the number of computers to be connected. Using these cables, connect all the computers you need to the switch.

Step 3

Wait for a new local network to appear on any computer. Open the Network and Sharing Center and go to the properties of the new local network. Find the line “Internet Protocol TCP / IP (v4) and open its properties. Fill in the "IP address" line and press Tab. Try not to use complex combinations of numbers when entering an IP address unless absolutely necessary. If a server or computer with Internet access will be connected to your switch, then fill in the "Preferred DNS server" and "Default gateway" fields with its IP address.

Step 4

Follow the steps in the previous step on other laptops or computers. Always replace the last value when entering the IP address. This is a prerequisite for the correct operation of the future network.
