How To Install Sliders

How To Install Sliders
How To Install Sliders

Table of contents:


A slider is a set of pictures that replace each other, i.e. sequential slide show on a web page. Each element can contain both an image and text, video, buttons. The movement of images grabs the user's attention, which is why sliders are often used instead of banners.


  • - computer with Internet access;
  • - skills of work in Wordpress.


Step 1

Go to the control panel of your site in Wordpress, add a slider to the page using a special plugin - Vslider. To do this, add the following line to your page code:

<? php if (function_exists (“Enter plugin name - vSlider ')) {vSlider (); }? & gt.

Insert it before the start of the Loop, i.e. before starting your recordings.

Step 2

Go to the plugin settings page to change the installed slider. In the first block of settings, set the slider size, pause duration between changing pictures, effect, font parameters, and so on. To specify the desired slider width, use the Opera plugin, the Rules on-screen ruler. After entering the settings, click "Save", go to the "Image Output" block.

Step 3

Select the source of images, if these are separate images, then select the Yes, custom option, if you connect a category, then select the one you need from the list. Then click "Save Settings". If you choose the first option, upload all images to the vSlader - images folder. The size of the picture should correspond to the size of the slider, namely its width. Enter the names of the images in Latin letters for their correct display on the site. To add a slider, do not select large images, do not overload the page.

Step 4

Set the image output settings in the next block. In the first line, specify the path to the image, in the second you can specify a link to the image. In the following lines, if desired, enter the title of the picture and its description. Click Save. A maximum of five image files can be added. You can apply all the settings separately for each image. This completes the installation of the slider on the site.
