How To Set Up An Android Market

How To Set Up An Android Market
How To Set Up An Android Market

Table of contents:


At the moment, almost every Internet user can try to launch the Android Market using virtualization tools. This is done to test this technology if you are thinking about buying Android.


Android SDK emulator


Step 1

First of all, you need to install the Android SDK emulator. To test the operation of the store, you will need to create a separate section. Those. if you already have a partition with Android, it is recommended to use another one, and it is better to create a new one. The fresh disc that you prepared for the needs of your store now needs to be configured.

Step 2

Open these folders sequentially to navigate to the following directory: Sdk_Location, Platforms, Android-8, Images. There is a system.img file inside this directory, it must be copied to the folder with your account, namely / avd / DemoDevice.avd.

Step 3

Now you need to start the emulator itself by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop or via the command line: emulator –avd DemoDevice –partition-size 200. Now you need to run the utility called Android Debug Bridge by selecting the adb.exe file and pressing Enter. This utility allows you to control the actions of the emulator, as well as the physical device on which it is located.

Step 4

This utility is called via the command line: adb pull /system/build.prop. A new file will appear in the current directory, which should be opened using any text editor. Check the value of the ro.config.nocheckin parameter - it should be either yes or 1.

Step 5

Using the same utility, you need to contact the emulator to copy the modified file back. It remains to download the Android Market application, for this, contact GoogleServicesFramework.apk, which contains Vending.apk. Now you need to close the emulator, because all settings have been moved to the new application.

Step 6

Before launching Android Market, you need to delete three files: cache.img, userdata.img, and userdata-qemu.img. After deleting these files, start the emulator through which you plan to launch the store. All settings for the store will be automatically copied to your account folder.
