How To Enable Dual Channel Memory Mode

How To Enable Dual Channel Memory Mode
How To Enable Dual Channel Memory Mode

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The implementation of a two-channel mode of operation of RAM modules slightly improves their performance. To successfully activate this feature, it is important to follow some rules.


  • - Speccy;
  • - CPU-Z;
  • - AIDA.


Step 1

Find out if the motherboard supports dual channel memory cards. To do this, read the instructions for this device. In the absence of a paper version of the documentation, you can use the information posted on the developers website.

Step 2

Examine the characteristics of the RAM modules used in your computer. Download and install the AIDA software or an outdated version - Everest. Run this utility. Wait while the collection of information about the connected equipment is completed. If you want to use freeware, install CPU-Z or Speccy.

Step 3

Expand the Motherboard tab and select SPD. Examine the parameters of the connected memory modules. For successful operation in dual-channel mode, the boards must match in the following characteristics: type, timings, baud rate and volume.

Step 4

If the modules used are suitable for realizing dual channel operation, turn off the computer and remove the unit cover. Make sure memory cards are installed in paired slots. Typically, these connectors are painted the same color. Reinstall one module if necessary.

Step 5

If you have four memory cards, place them in the correct order. Be aware that paired connectors are not always located side by side. Focus only on the color of the slots.

Step 6

Close the case of the system unit and turn on the computer. Check the activity of the desired mode. To do this, open the BIOS menu and find the item responsible for configuring memory modules. Activate the Dual Channel item.

Step 7

Save the settings. Load the operating system. Run the Everest program again. Open the SPD item and make sure that the modules are working in dual channel mode.
