Why Doesn't It Catch The Radio

Why Doesn't It Catch The Radio
Why Doesn't It Catch The Radio

It can be extremely unpleasant when, while standing in a traffic jam, you try to tune your favorite radio wave, and in response you hear only the hiss of the speakers. First try to change the frequency, if the signal does not appear, think about why the radio does not catch.

As a rule, the radio may not pick up due to a malfunctioning antenna. By the way, do not forget about the subjective reason: the lack of a radio signal. If a specific radio station does not catch it, this means that repair work is simply being carried out at a specific station. There may also be no signal in the bathroom, toilet room, because they are remote and isolated from the "outside world." Also, the radio signal may not arrive if you have not selected the desired radio station, or selected inaccurately. For example, if the radio station you need is on a wavelength of 97.5, then reception at 97.4 and 97.6 may be weak, or possibly absent altogether. If you are at the dacha, then the lack of sound may make you understand that the signal is simply not being received. to the area where you are. It is possible that the settings in the radio receiver itself are out of order. To fix these problems, you can simply read the instructions. Try listening to radio on the Internet. To do this, you need to type in any search engine "radio online". If your favorite station has not started playing, it means that a certain player has not been downloaded. How to download it should be detailed on the website of the very radio station that you have chosen. The only disadvantage of listening to radio stations on-line: broadcast delay by 3-4 minutes. Therefore, if you want to listen to urgent news or other important information, it is better to do it through the receiver. It so happens that there is no signal in a certain place. This is due to the fact that from different sides the overlap of the coverage areas of this radio station is very poor. For example, literally a few tens of meters the radio does not catch at all, and then suddenly starts to play, and in excellent quality! The coverage areas do not always dock, and there are gaps between them, which can be anywhere, including in your summer cottage, which is quite rare, but quite realistic. And, of course, radio stations may not catch on simply from the weather conditions! In this case, you just need to wait out the thunderstorm, the hurricane. If all else fails, chances are the radio is still defective.
