How To Arrange 5.1

How To Arrange 5.1
How To Arrange 5.1

Table of contents:


A lot depends on the location of the speaker systems in the theater room: for example, how much the viewer will experience the benefits of multichannel sound or how unique the sound effect will be. In this regard, it is important to figure out how to properly position the 5.1 speaker system.

It is necessary

Home theater speaker system


Step 1

Place the front right and left speakers at an equal distance from the TV receiver. These two speakers bear the main burden of reproducing music and various audio effects. It is recommended that the "musical axes" of these loudspeakers cross next to the viewer.

Step 2

Place the center speaker component above or below the TV screen. This column bears the main load for reproducing the main soundtrack of the film. However, using the center speaker greatly reduces the load on the front left and right speakers. With the right center speaker positioned, you end up with three front speakers with undistorted sound.

Step 3

Arrange the two rear speakers so that the viewer feels as if he is personally involved in an event unfolding on the screen.
