How To Take A Proctoring Exam

How To Take A Proctoring Exam
How To Take A Proctoring Exam

Distance education is becoming more and more popular, and often when describing the course, they are notified that in order to obtain a certificate, one must pass an exam with proctoring. What is it and how to prepare for such an exam?

Proctoring is the remote monitoring of a subject's behavior during an exam. Modern technologies make it possible to successfully track behavior to the smallest detail, as well as control some external circumstances: whether a person has provided a document that proves his identity, is this the person depicted on the document, is there anyone else in the room. In addition, the proctoring system monitors sounds and will surely hear if there is a person next to you who prompts.

The proctoring system can work in manual mode (a person or a company employee is watching you using a special program, as well as a camera and microphone on your computer), or in automatic mode (the movement of your head, the presence of extraneous sounds) is monitored by the program.

One of the programs used by the course organizers is Examus. To pass the exam, a student or listener is transferred to a track in a special program, after which the time of the lesson is selected.

Here are some tips for those who are going to take an exam using this system:

· Choose a time when no one will be around you. This is especially true if you intend to take the exam in the workplace. It is better to arrive early and place a notice on the door so that you will not be disturbed for a few minutes.

· Make sure the passport cover does not cover your face. It is better to take out all pieces of paper that may interfere with identification.

· Disconnect the second monitor in advance if it is connected to a PC. The first thing that the system will check is the presence of additional connected devices.

· Disassemble the rubble on the desktop. Even if you are comfortable with passing the exam amid a pile of papers, the proctor will not accept this kind of table, and you will be embarrassed to show a surface that is littered with papers.

· Try not to worry. After all, this is just an exam.
