How To Connect Speakers From A Computer To A Lg TV

How To Connect Speakers From A Computer To A Lg TV
How To Connect Speakers From A Computer To A Lg TV

Modern electronic equipment implies, first of all, its mutual combination in order to achieve the maximum expected effect. This also applies to the case when speakers from a computer are connected to an LG home TV. To do this, you should be guided by a number of simple recommendations that provide several ways of switching these devices.

Due to the fact that the range of LG TVs and speaker systems, including computer speakers, is represented by a fairly wide range of equipment, there are several ways to connect them to each other. Therefore, before the procedure itself, you should carefully read these nuances.

Switching methods

To connect computer speakers to an LG TV, you must first decide on the method. In this case, switching can be carried out in accordance with the following methods:

- using special scart connectors;

- using connectors of the "tulip" type;

- using line outputs;

- using an HDMI cable;

- using a wireless connection (via Bluetooth);

- using additional equipment.

Brief instruction

SCART-RCA. If the TV has an lg connector of the "scart" type, it should be borne in mind that the speakers themselves from the computer do not provide for such a connection in normal mode. Therefore, you need to separately purchase a special cable for them, which must be marked "SCART-RCA". Excellent acoustics will be available after connecting the Tulips (RCA) to the speakers and the Scart to the TV.

RCA connectors. This type of switching can be considered the most common. However, it should be understood that, as a rule, computer speakers do not provide an RCA output, having a 3.5 mm jack. In this case, you need a "RCA-TRS 3.5 mm" cord. Its connection to a TV and speakers will not be difficult, and you can purchase such a cable at any thematic store.

Line outputs JACK 3.5-RCA. When equipping the lg television receiver with such outputs, the computer speakers are connected via the "+" and "-" contacts. To determine the presence of line outputs on the TV, you need to make sure that there are black and red terminals on the back of its case. In this case, switching implies a combination of "+" with a red wire, and "-" - with a black one.

HDMI cable. This option of connecting LG TV to speakers from a computer provides the highest quality acoustics. However, it should be borne in mind that the speakers must meet the necessary requirements. Usually, such switching is possible only for professional receivers and home theaters.

Bluetooth. Many modern lg TVs are equipped with this function. Therefore, it is possible to wirelessly connect to them computer speakers, which also have such equipment. To do this, you just need to set the search for the corresponding device in the TV settings. After the connection is established, the audio signal will be transmitted to the speaker system.

Optional equipment. To improve sound quality, connect computer speakers to the lg TV through a receiver (amplifier). Since even a music center can act as such devices, in this case you should make the optimal adjustment of the acoustic signal. For this, it is important to clearly understand the control interface on the basis of the manufacturer's instructions for use.
