How To Call At The Expense Of The Interlocutor On MTS

How To Call At The Expense Of The Interlocutor On MTS
How To Call At The Expense Of The Interlocutor On MTS

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From time to time, when the balance on the phone approaches zero, MTS subscribers need to call at the expense of the interlocutor. To do this, you should use one of several functions provided by the operator, which can be connected on a paid or free basis.


Step 1

You can call MTS at the expense of the interlocutor using the "Help Out" service, which is available to the operator's subscribers throughout Russia. Activate the service in one of several ways, for example, by dialing 0880 and after answering the autoinformer - the number of the required subscriber in ten-digit format, or simply dial his number with the prefix 5880.

Step 2

Wait a while until the number of the called MTS subscriber receives an automatic call from the operator. During it, the interlocutor will be asked to establish contact with you at his own expense or to refuse the call by pressing the appropriate key. If the called subscriber is currently unavailable or busy, instead of calling, he will receive an SMS message with a request to call back. In total, 10 such requests are allowed per day.

Step 3

Instead of calling at the expense of the interlocutor on MTS, you can simply notify him that there are not enough funds on your account to make a call, for example, within the framework of the “Call me back” service. To do this, just try to dial the number of the desired subscriber. With a zero balance, you will find yourself in the MTS informant menu. Press the "1" key to send a free message to the subscriber with a request to call back. An alternative way is to dial the command * 110 * (subscriber's number) # from the phone. The interlocutor will be immediately notified of your request.

Step 4

If your account does not have enough funds, the interlocutor can replenish it from his phone using the "Direct Transfer" service. To do this, you need to dial the command * 112 # (mobile number for replenishment) * (amount) #, where as the amount, specify a value from 1 to 300 rubles (after transfer, at least 50 rubles must remain on the account). After that, the specified part of the balance will be instantly transferred to the corresponding number.
