How To Watch VK Video From A PDA

How To Watch VK Video From A PDA
How To Watch VK Video From A PDA

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With the increase in the number of available smartphones and PDAs, as well as with the expansion of high-speed Internet coverage, the need for programs that can view video from the network is increasing. Very often this is a video from the popular social network Vkontakte.


Internet access


Step 1

First you need to download a flash player for your operating system. To find out which operating system is installed on your phone, use the search by your model. If you have a PDA with Windows Mobile operating system, you can download the free Macromedia Flash Player 7 for Pocket PC of old models or Adobe Flash Lite for new ones. Both players are built into the system. After installing them, you can watch videos from the Vkontakte network directly in the built-in browser. You should do the same if you have a smartphone with an Android or Symbian operating system.

Step 2

You can also download the Opera Mobile or Skyfire browsers for your phone model. Both browsers cope with the task of watching Vkontakte videos better than the built-in one. In the latest version of the most popular browser for mobile devices - Opera Mini, it is also possible to watch videos from the Vkontakte social network. True, this function works if you are visiting the mobile version of the site.

Step 3

If your phone does not play the Vkontakte video, then you should find its support forum. It is possible that your model has some peculiarities or software glitches. You should also pay attention to the fact that to watch videos on the network, the speed of the Internet connection must be quite high. It is best if you access the Internet via 3G or Wi-Fi.

Step 4

Pay attention to special programs for watching videos from the Vkontakte network. For example, for devices with Windows Mobile operating system there are VK Media Player and Vkontakte Video programs. There are analogs of these programs for devices on other operating systems. The peculiarity of these programs is that they do not need a flash-player, as well as the ability to download, select the video quality and sort it.
