Scaler Operation Algorithm In Lcd Monitor

Scaler Operation Algorithm In Lcd Monitor
Scaler Operation Algorithm In Lcd Monitor

The scaler in the LCD monitor is necessary in order to process the input signals of various supporting interfaces, as well as to display the final image on the matrix with the specified resolution and image parameters.

Scaler principles and versatility

The versatility of many modifications of scalers, especially if a model for lg is used, lies in the ability of this module to display a high-quality image on a large number of LCD matrices.

At the same time, setting the parameters necessary for this is simple and is carried out using the board firmware. Most often, this can be done using a standard USB connector. Therefore, using a scaler and knowing the features of its work, you can make an excellent TV, monitor or standard player that plays files from a USB flash drive from any laptop or a dead monitor with a working matrix.

What is a scaler and what are the features of its work

In fact, if we describe a scaler, then it is a multifunctional processor, which, in terms of its functions and operation, is optimized for one important task - image processing. The scaler is able to automatically adjust to the input signal formats by receiving commands from the LCD processor.

If the monitor on the board has a frem buffer, or RAM, then another function of the scaler will be to work with this RAM. Therefore, many modifications of modern scanners are additionally equipped with an interface for functioning with dynamic memory.

The composition of the functional elements of the scaler

If we talk about the functional features of the scaler, then it is necessary to note the main components of this device. The standard set contains elements such as:

  1. Microprocessor;
  2. Receiver for receiving and processing data;
  3. Analog-to-digital converter, or ADC, required for signal conversion;
  4. PLL block required for correct ADC and signal synchronization;
  5. Scaling scheme that allows you to transform the image without loss and change it depending on the features of its resolution;
  6. A transmitter responsible for converting color data to code.

In addition to these main elements, which are the basis for the operation of any scaler in LCD monitors, in some models there is also a gamma correction circuit, as well as a frame grabber circuit and an interface for interacting with dynamic memory and subsequent information processing.


Based on all of the above, it can be noted that the scaler is a brain board for controlling the operation of the display. It is with the help of the scaler that digital signals are converted into colors on the monitor, as well as numerous settings are made. A scaler has many different components, including flash memory, processor, and other critical components.
