How To Turn Down The Speaker Volume

How To Turn Down The Speaker Volume
How To Turn Down The Speaker Volume

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High speaker volume is good, but not always. Sometimes, when the built-in volume control does not help, you can resort to the so-called life hacking methods and lower the speaker volume yourself. Many such methods have been invented, but we will list some of them.


Step 1

Set the volume level of the speakers on the computer to the minimum by going to the special menu. Go to the "Start" menu, select "Control Panel" there. A separate window of the control panel will open, in which you need to find the "Sounds and Audio Devices" icon. Go into it and select the "Volume" tab. Adjust the volume to an acceptable level and click the "OK" button.

Step 2

Purchase an impedance of about 100 ohms with a power of about 1-2 watts and connect in series with the speakers. The resistance voltage will interact with the sound reproduction and will reduce the speaker volume. You can also buy a 1, 0-0, 5 kW nichrome spiral in a specialized store and make additional resistance out of it.

Step 3

Solder the resistor into one wire that runs from the amplifier to the speaker. The speaker will then sound slightly quieter. This option is only possible at a fixed volume, if you do not constantly increase and decrease. Purchase a couple of dozen low-resistance 5-10 ohm resistors and connect them in parallel. Ten parallel 10 ohm resistors will output 1 ohm. This adds up the total power.

Step 4

Download a special utility for adjusting the sound volume on the Internet. It will help you increase / decrease or level the sound in a separate file or group of files. To do this, open the files, the level of sounds in which you want to change. Write the required sound level in the utility window, and the program will automatically convert these files. You can undo the changes and the volume levels return to their original state.

Step 5

Disassemble the speaker box and take out the speaker. Pull a piece of dense cloth between the speaker and the sound outlet (usually there is a special mesh) (if there is foam rubber, you can use it).
