How To Format A Flash Card On Your Phone

How To Format A Flash Card On Your Phone
How To Format A Flash Card On Your Phone

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Complete removal of information from various drives is achieved by formatting them. When working with a flash card of a mobile phone, there are several options for carrying out this process.


  • - USB Foramt Storage;
  • - card reader.


Step 1

First try to format the drive using the functions of your mobile phone. Turn on the device and open the settings menu. Go to the section "flash-card" or "Memory".

Step 2

Find the Formatting or Clearing field. Start this procedure. Wait for the message about the successful cleaning of the flash card.

Step 3

If your mobile phone does not support the described function, please use a personal computer to format the drive. Connect the flash card to your computer. Use a card reader for this.

Step 4

It is worth noting that some laptops have a built-in card reader. Use it to connect a USB stick. Wait for the new drive to be detected by the operating system.

Step 5

Open the My Computer menu. Click on the flash card icon with the right mouse button and select "Format". Set the options to wipe the drive. Select a file system. Uncheck the "Clear Table of Contents" option by unchecking the box of the same name.

Step 6

Click the Get Started button. Confirm the start of the process of formatting the flash card. Connect the drive to your phone and make sure it works.

Step 7

Certain drives can be password protected. As a rule, it is installed by the user himself. If you have forgotten the access code for your flash card, install the USB Format Storage program.

Step 8

Connect the USB flash drive to your computer and run the specified application. In the Device field, select the desired drive. Disable the Quick Format option.

Step 9

Select the file system by specifying the desired category in the File System column. Click the Start button. Now press Yeas to confirm the complete cleaning of the USB stick.

Step 10

If, when you try to clear the drive, a message appears stating that the disk is write-protected, remove the USB flash drive from the card reader. Move the slider on the side of the card to the Open or Unlock position. Repeat the algorithm for formatting the flash drive.
