Is Smartphone Addiction Killing Us?

Is Smartphone Addiction Killing Us?
Is Smartphone Addiction Killing Us?

Smartphones are designed to make our lives easier and better in every way. Endless information, the ability to communicate with a person almost anywhere in the world, navigation functions - all these advantages include a modern smartphone, but is it really safe?


Scientists have put forward a guess that smartphones are capable of killing people and the number of their victims can reach several thousand a year. And here it is not a matter of radiation, which is already being repeated at every corner. Human negligence and stupidity - from here you can expect trouble. For example, a 23-year-old student from Spain named Sylvia decided to take a memorable photo in order to post it on one of the social networks. The girl climbed onto the bridge, leaned against the railing, threw her head back and was ready to take a new gorgeous selfie, but could not resist and flew down. The girl's death happened instantly.

The worst thing is that this is far from an isolated death in which a smartphone appears. Young Specialist John was sent on a business trip from his company. John had never been to Brazil before and therefore decided to go to the local zoo. Just like Sylvia, the young man decided to take a selfie with a camel in his arms. The result is a bitten off earlobe.

These are attempts to stand out, show off, attract attention. Modernity dictates its own, albeit ridiculous, but the rules according to which photos of this kind deserve the lion's share of praise among friends. Alas, such experiments with photography can be deadly.


Accidents on the roads due to the carelessness of citizens, who at that moment were keen on reading the news or typing the next sms message, are increasing every year. Statistics in Japan show that 50% of emergencies are due to smartphones.

A person, immersed in reading an e-book on the phone or looking at a friend's photo, loses concentration and "disconnects" from the outside world. Most people think that they are able to do several things at the same time - crossing the road or driving and typing a message at the same time. Alas, statistics refute this.

Scientists have calculated that if the driver is typing a message while driving, the chance that he will not return home increases almost 25 times. In the United States, more than 3,000 motorists are killed every year just because they are talking on the phone while driving. The numbers are pretty scary.

Psychiatrists note that children who spend most of their time in their smartphones are more likely to suffer from hyperactivity, increased anxiety, and prolonged depression.

From all this, only one conclusion follows - you need to live a real life and try to devote as little time as possible to gadgets such as a smartphone.
