How To Charge Your Smartphone

How To Charge Your Smartphone
How To Charge Your Smartphone

There is an opinion that portable equipment for a long battery life needs to be fully discharged, and then it should be fully charged, to 100%. But it is important to understand all the nuances before accepting this statement as an axiom.

Before getting to the question of how to charge your smartphone correctly for its longevity, you need to clarify the situation with the batteries. The whole point lies precisely in their types. Previously, portable equipment was equipped with iron-nickel, nickel-metal hydride batteries, now in laptops and smartphones, lithium-ion batteries.

Nickel batteries have a so-called "memory effect". The essence of this phenomenon is as follows: if you charge a battery that is 30% full, then the remaining 70% is remembered by the device as a "full charge", while it is clear that the initial capacity is reduced. That is why the principle of charging a nickel battery has become widely known. Chemical changes when recharging a full battery will lead to a decrease in capacity in the future.

Modern portable electronics are equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which do not require a full recharge.

How to charge your smartphone correctly

The device requires regular recharging. Do not let your smartphone run down to the end, to 0%. Even discharging the battery to 50% is not a good option. When the charge is lowered by 10-20%, it is already required to put the device on recharge.

The device must not be left on charging. Modern lithium-ion devices do not require a continuous 100% charge. The optimal charging option is from 40 to 80%. Try to stay within these boundaries. If the battery is fully charged, 100%, then it should not be left on charge, it is precisely such actions that lead to a reduction in the service life of electronic devices.

How to charge a smartphone if this process occurs at night

For lithium-ion batteries to last for years, to maximize their lifespan, it is best to purchase energy-efficient outlets. When setting the device to charge at night, special sockets turn off the charger after a specified amount of time.

If the phone or laptop is not of Chinese origin, then it already has a native charge controller, which, upon reaching 100%, will turn off the charging by itself, and in some cases even report full charging with a sound signal. Naturally, such normal devices can be left on the network for a long time.

How to charge your smartphone to extend its lifespan

Once a month, but not more often, you should discharge the electronics completely, and then charge it 100%. These steps are required to calibrate the device. The fact is that the devices show the remainder of the charge in minutes or percent, these functions can get lost with frequent small recharges, and therefore they should be adjusted monthly in this way.

It is unacceptable to allow the device to overheat, this will significantly reduce its service life. For this reason, you should not work with the laptop on your lap.
