How To Make A Powerful Amplifier

How To Make A Powerful Amplifier
How To Make A Powerful Amplifier

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Integrated audio power amplifiers are quite common and are used for various types of electronic equipment. They are fairly simple devices, therefore, having the skills to work with a soldering iron, everyone can assemble such a device practically on their knees.


Step 1

Download on the Internet or develop your own electrical diagram of the device. Based on it, make a list of the necessary components for a powerful sound amplifier and go to the radio market. You will need: 4 capacitors, 4 resistors, a printed circuit board, accessories for etching the board, tin, rosin and a microcircuit. The last detail is the most important, as it determines the power of the future amplifier. For example, you can use a TDA-based microcircuit, which is able to deliver 35 W per channel at an input voltage of 18 V. This component also has protection against short circuits, overload and overheating, automatic shutdown when the signal source is lost, and other useful functions.

Step 2

By connecting the channels of the microcircuit to a bridge, you get a single-channel power amplifier of 70 watts. Choose a class D chip that will give your amplifier high efficiency at low voltage.

Step 3

Prepare the PCB, markup and start soldering. Assemble all the components of the amplifier circuit in the correct order. Make sure all items are carefully soldered. Then use the tester and ring the main connections. It is necessary that the signal passes through all parts of the amplifier, otherwise the desired effect and power will not be obtained.

Step 4

Choose a case for a powerful amplifier. To do this, you can use old speakers or assemble it yourself from scrap materials. Consider the cooling system of the device. For example, a radiator and a cooler can be connected to one of the sides. After that, carefully install the soldered board into the case. Bring out the wires.

Step 5

Connect the amplifier to the speakers and check if it works. If the device does not work, then it is necessary to re-disassemble the circuit and check the correctness of the connections, referring to the electrical circuit of the amplifier.
