How To Watch Russian Channels In

How To Watch Russian Channels In
How To Watch Russian Channels In

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Often not everyone has the opportunity to connect to cable TV or just buy a TV to watch their favorite Russian channels. In this case, the Internet comes to the aid of viewers, which makes it possible to watch all channels.


  • - Computer;
  • - Internet access.


Step 1

Install the Google Chrome browser as it is much faster than its counterparts. This will speed up the video stream as well as the quality of the transmitted picture.

Step 2

Go to the website of the country's main television channel - It presents a very extensive broadcasting network. There is a live broadcast, replays and recordings of the most important events in Russia and in the world. Also, for convenience, each section has categories that can grab your attention. Take your pick and watch for your pleasure.

Step 3

Tune the channel "Russia" - the second most important TV broadcast in the country. You can watch the live broadcast at The disadvantage of this resource is that you cannot watch replays of programs, but only live broadcast. But it is given in good quality and runs at a fairly high speed.

Step 4

Watch the entire broadcasting network of the First Independent Channel (NTV) at This is the official site, which, in addition to the live broadcast, has the channel's program guide, reruns, announcements and discussions. All this helps the viewer to quickly navigate what is and will be going on the channel in the near future.

Step 5

Follow any international and Russian sports events on the Russia 2 channel website. It is located at There is a good transmission of the image and sound, but there is no program of events, announcements, replays and discussions. Suitable only for watching live sports events.

Step 6

Listen to your favorite music and watch the latest news from the world of show business on the Muz-Tv channel. Enter the URL in the address bar and enjoy watching. Unfortunately, this resource also does not have a program guide and announcements, but rather acceptable image and sound.
