What To Do If The Laptop Video Adapter Fails

What To Do If The Laptop Video Adapter Fails
What To Do If The Laptop Video Adapter Fails

Failure of one of the most important components of a laptop - a video adapter - is usually diagnosed by a non-working display. Moreover, restarting the computer does not help in such a situation.

Ways to diagnose the video adapter

The video adapter (video card) is responsible for creating the image that the user sees on the display. Thus, a breakdown of the video adapter leads to the fact that it becomes completely impossible to use the computer. The main "symptoms" of a video adapter failure are: horizontal or vertical distortion, red stripes and other artifacts, as well as a blue screen that appears when installing video adapter drivers. The failure of the video adapter can also be signaled by the BIOS. The alarm sound depends on the installed version. When a working external monitor is connected, the image is correspondingly absent.

In order to finally make sure of the failure of the video adapter (even if all the signs are present), check the serviceability of the power supply. The main indicator of this is a running fan. The blinking of the LEDs after turning on the machine indicates that a test poll of the equipment is being performed and the operating system is starting up. When exiting the operating system into operating mode, the computer should give a recognizable sound signal.

What causes the video adapter to burn out

Overheating is the most common cause of failure of video adapters. The ever-increasing market demands for compact notebook computers, overclocking power, and ever-increasing graphics complexity make the design of modern machines vulnerable to high temperatures. Powerful cooling systems also require additional space, which developers sacrifice for high performance. Therefore, if your warranty card has not expired yet, and the laptop has not been opened by you, use the chance to repair your computer under warranty.

Replacing a video chip is an expensive and complicated operation, which is within the power of the service center specialists. If the warranty period has passed and you have a suitable working video card at your disposal, try checking the machine's performance with it. To do this, make sure that the original video adapter is installed as a separate removable module, and not soldered to the motherboard, and replace it. Lack of image is a good reason to contact a service center.

The above diagnostic methods and the reasons for the failure of the video adapter are outlined briefly, in an introductory manner, since in order to carry out actions to repair or replace the video adapter, it is necessary to thoroughly study the computer device and have the appropriate qualifications.
