Is It Possible To Replace The Video Card In A Laptop

Is It Possible To Replace The Video Card In A Laptop
Is It Possible To Replace The Video Card In A Laptop

Video cards are different, and it depends on their type whether they can be replaced at home. Sometimes it's impossible at all, sometimes - only in a service center, but if the laptop has high-level graphics, you can change the video card yourself.

A video card or video chip is embedded in a laptop in one of three ways:

  1. As an integrated module, it is a graphics chip soldered onto the motherboard. In this case, the central processor is responsible for graphics tasks.
  2. As a separate card, which is also soldered to the motherboard, and is responsible for discrete graphics.
  3. As a separate board: it connects to the motherboard via a connector.

If the video card is built in according to the first method, it cannot be replaced in any way. If on the second - only in the service center. But the third method makes it possible to make a replacement yourself.

Graphics card compatibility

Removable video cards have different connectors, and the type of connector determines whether the card is suitable for a laptop or not. The most common connector standard today is MXM, only it can be upgraded or changed at home with almost no effort. And it is he who can be found in laptops asus, lenovo, aser, etc.

The MXM standard has several types:

  • MXM-I, 70 mm wide and 68 mm long;
  • MXM-II, 73 mm wide and 78 mm long;
  • MXM-III, 82 mm wide and 100 mm long;
  • MXM-HE, the parameters of which do not differ from the MXM-III.

Card compatibility depends on the type: newer models can fit older connectors, but old ones can only be replaced with the same old model. For example, the MXM-HE card will fit any type of connector, while the MXM-I can only be replaced with the MXM-I.

Recently, MXM has new standards: MXM-A and MXM-B. Moreover, the former can be changed only for the same cards with the letter A, and the latter are suitable for module B and module A.

How do I replace the graphics card?

The laptop must be turned off and disconnected from the power, then - unscrew all the fastening screws from the back cover and remove it. Unscrew the screws from the cooler, remove the cooling system and heat cushions above the video card. The video card is also attached with screws, but they must be unscrewed last.

As soon as the old card is removed, you need to pull it out of the heat-conducting casing and attach this casing to the new video card. And the thermal pads of the casing should be exactly above the memory chips.

After that, you need to reassemble the cooling system, fix the cover, battery, and install the drivers for the new video card.
