How To Put A Satellite Dish

How To Put A Satellite Dish
How To Put A Satellite Dish

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A satellite dish opens up a whole range of possibilities. Installing it yourself is relatively easy. The main thing is to stock up on the right tools and patience.


Step 1

Decide where you want to put your satellite dish. A number of difficulties arise here. First, there should be no big obstacles in the path of the antenna's contact with the satellite: a tree, a tall building, a massive metal structure, etc. All of these objects can significantly degrade signal reception, which will further complicate the tuning of many channels.

Step 2

Take the PUNCHER. It is indispensable if you want to install a satellite dish in a concrete floor, wall, roof, balcony railing, etc. Make holes large enough to accommodate medium sized bolts as the weight of the entire structure requires massive fixings.

Step 3

After the holes are ready according to the markings on the antenna mounting surface, take the anchor bolts. They will make it possible to achieve sufficient rigidity for fastening a structure of such a weight. Screw them in. Attach the antenna tripod to the anchor bolts.

Step 4

According to the assembly diagram, assemble the rest of the structure to install the satellite dish. Provide a rigid mount and the ability to rotate the pan itself to adjust the angle for maximum signal clarity.

Step 5

Drill another hole. This time through. Through it you will run the cable from the satellite dish to the receiver. When the cable is connected, select the “Search for channels” function on the receiver. Configure the maximum number of channels for your region.

Step 6

Find the position of the antenna where the signal will be clearer. Lock the cymbal in this position. Tighten the mounting bolts securely to prevent the antenna from turning due to strong winds or its own weight.
