How To Check If It's A Real IPhone Or Not

How To Check If It's A Real IPhone Or Not
How To Check If It's A Real IPhone Or Not

Chinese mobile device manufacturers react instantly to the release of each iPhone model, saturating the market with a whole series of counterfeit devices. As a result, it is sometimes very difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish a fake from an original.

At first glance, a Chinese-made phone is no different from the original, and a person who has never held an iPhone 5, for example, can easily become a “happy” owner of a fake. However, this sad truth affected not only the legendary American brand - approximately the same situation is observed with smartphones Nokia, Sony, HTC and other well-known manufacturers.

In order not to fall for the bait of clever scammers selling fake Chinese devices, it is important to pay attention to the phone's appearance, its functions and the operating system design.

The body of the device and the color of the iPhone 5

The original iPhone 5 comes in an aluminum case only - no options here. If you see a smartphone in a plastic case, it is probably a fake. The latter is usually much lighter than the original. The original iPhone 5 is available exclusively in two colors - black and white. All other devices (red, blue, yellow) are fake.

The back of the iPhone 5

All smartphones produced under the original American brand have a non-removable back panel. Only service personnel have the right to unscrew the miniature screws with which the panel is attached to the body of the device. With the right tool, changing the battery on your iPhone 5 yourself will void your warranty. On counterfeit devices, it is usually easy to remove the back panel.


Usually, Chinese manufacturers "stuff" their devices with a number of additional, sometimes completely unnecessary functions. So, for example, a fake phone can work as a television receiver (by the way, the signal quality is poor). Also, very often counterfeit iPhones are equipped with two SIM card slots. Nothing of the sort is included in the original iPhone 5.

IPhone 5 operating system

The original iPhone 5 runs on iOS 6. It is not possible to find out which operating system the Chinese device is running on. Counterfeit menus, as a rule, contain many abbreviations and errors. For example, instead of the word "organizer", one can observe the word "organizer" or something else in it.

And the main difference between the original iPhone 5 is its price. If the cost of a new device is $ 150-200, you can be 100% sure that it is a fake.
