How To Make A Joystick

How To Make A Joystick
How To Make A Joystick

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As they say, the joystick is the gambling addict's weapon. No self-respecting fan of computer games and simulations can do without this simple device. But not always, even among such ardent fans of games, there is an opportunity to purchase another novelty of the gaming accessories market. The way out is quite simple - do it yourself. And the joystick is far from the only item on this list. Although it's better to start with what is easier. Putting the joystick together.


game console, optocoupler, photodiodes, LEDs


Step 1

This will require an old game console. Take the joystick from her. Some prefixes may have several of them. Two is enough. They will need to be disassembled, so take something that you do not feel sorry for or have not been used for a long time. So, in the presence of you two old joysticks. Mount two optical pairs (optocouplers) in one of them. Each of them has its own task: one will regulate the movement back and forth, the other - left and right. The optocouplers can be removed from the mechanical computer mouse. If you do not have the unnecessary, then you can buy it in the store. Choose the cheapest one. Of course, these optocouplers are sold separately, but this is much more expensive. Then you need LEDs that need to be glued to the movable part of the joystick, and photodiodes to the lower fixed part.

Step 2

The second joystick can be used as a kind of gearbox. The extreme positions of the joystick will close the corresponding contacts so that 4 positions are obtained (left, right, up, down). This is perfect for car simulators.

Step 3

At the end, connect one joystick to the game port on the computer, and the other to the first using the homemade port again.

Step 4

Of course, it would be foolish to deny that manual assembly is not as efficient as professional assembly, but it costs many times cheaper, and most importantly, more interesting.

Step 5

In doing so, you can creatively express yourself and your ideas. Who knows, maybe you will discover in yourself the true talent that you have been hiding in your subconscious for a long time.
