How To Make Pre-heaters

How To Make Pre-heaters
How To Make Pre-heaters

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Prestart heaters are used to warm up a car engine in cold weather to make it easier to start. Sometimes it is also used to heat the air in the cabin. If you have technical knowledge and certain skills, then this device can be made on your own in several ways.


Step 1

Use the heating element from the oven tile. This device is relatively inexpensive and is sold in most electrical stores. The main thing is that the heating element is mica, otherwise there is a risk of electric current breaking through to the body, which is undesirable. Also buy a long power cord with a plug.

Step 2

Connect this wire to the ends that come out of the heating element. If you have a soldering iron at home, then it is best to solder the twisting points, otherwise it is necessary to insulate this part more carefully. Use heat-resistant electrical tape for this, which will not melt if overheated.

Step 3

Install the assembled pre-heater under the oil pan on the protective ski in case of cold weather. Plug the device into a 220V network for about 20-30 minutes. After that, remove the heating element and calmly start the heated engine.

Step 4

Assemble the pre-heater according to a different scheme. To do this, you need a motor from the Bogdan gazelle, a 5 kW heating element and some additional parts. Take a regular tee, connect a small tube to it and screw it into the heating element. Add nipples to the corners through which you can connect standard cooling hoses in your car. Connect the motor wires to the heating element.

Step 5

Connect the thermostat to a 12V transformer. You can purchase it separately or, for example, disassemble a Christmas tree garland. You can connect the heating element to the network directly, but when the liquid is cooled, the motor will continue to spin, which is not always desirable. Set the temperature on the heating element thermostat to about 40-50 degrees.

Step 6

Install the structure into the vehicle's cooling system. Place a power outlet in a convenient location and secure it with cold welding or epoxy. You can connect the device at night or in the morning for 10-20 minutes before starting the engine.
