How To Earn Adena

How To Earn Adena
How To Earn Adena

Table of contents:


Adena represents play money in the online multiplayer game Lineage II, which is required to buy and sharpen weapons, armor and other in-game items. You can earn them in different ways, choose yours.


Lineage II client


Step 1

Destroy mobs to collect drops from them and get adena. Depending on the level, choose a hunting location, as well as the type of mobs. Also focus on your equipment, class and company. Please note that the difference in your level and the level of mobs should not be more than five. In this case, a penalty will be charged and you will receive much less experience.

Step 2

Complete various tasks / quests received from the NPC. After successfully completing the quest, you will receive a reward, it can be different, from a simple "Thank you" to 4kkk adena. Quests are one-time or available for execution several times or indefinitely.

Step 3

Use your manor to earn adena. It is a cross between farming and hunting. Choose seeds (according to the reward for the seedlings, according to the level of mobs, and also, if possible, the sale of seedlings), buy a sickle. Find a mob, plant seeds in it, kill it and collect plants. After you collect the seedlings, exchange them for a reward at a certain time.

Step 4

Use the spoil to get adena. Some gnomes are engaged in bioengineering and can extract natural materials from mobs. If you enter such a guild, you will receive resources from mobs.

Step 5

Go fishing if you've already reached level 20. To do this, you will need bait, a fishing rod and skills. Buy it all from the fisherman. After mastering fishing, you can gut the fish, sell its contents, exchange parts with a fisherman, sell fish for quests. You can fish in a safe area. There is a chance that you will catch a sea monster that is not worth killing, it is quite rare.

Step 6

Use gathering if you decide not to kill mobs or are very adventurous. To do this, go to high-level locations, where a roll of cool guys takes place, who do not need a drop from mobs. But be careful, as you can become a victim of an aggressive mob, or the guys may decide that they still need a drop.

Step 7

Sell your skills if you are a buff. The higher your level, the more in demand your services will be. Buffs can be sold in cities, as well as where high-level characters swing.

Step 8

Earn adena with crafting services if you are a gnome crafter and you have a selection of recipes in the master's book.