How To Remember The Password On The Phone

How To Remember The Password On The Phone
How To Remember The Password On The Phone

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Paradoxically, familiar things are easily forgotten. An action driven to automatism can sometimes be difficult to describe in detail. If you accidentally turn off your phone, you may be surprised to find that you cannot remember your password. Although it was introduced more than once.


Pen, sheet of paper


Step 1

It's good if you have documents with a password at hand. But they may not be there. Then you will have to remember the password in the phone in other ways.

Step 2

Retention of information, its storage, reproduction and forgetting are the processes of memory. This means that we will have to activate it. To do this, you need to understand what type of memory prevails in you. It can be figurative, verbal-logical, motor.

Step 3

Perhaps the combination of numbers in the phone password evokes a certain image in you. Images can be visual, auditory, or even olfactory. For example, you associate these four digits with someone's address, floor numbers of acquaintances, or a specific date. Think about what they might be like in your life. Try to remember how these numbers were written on paper. Or the moment when the phone password was spoken aloud.

Step 4

The phone password can also be retained by the verbal-logical memory. That is, in the sequence of numbers, you might have noticed a logical pattern. It can be a geometric or arithmetic progression.

Step 5

The good thing about motor memory is that it remembers the sequence of movements. Without thinking, move your thumb over the phone keypad. It is highly likely that this way you will remember the password. Your hand can remember which buttons to press better than your head.

Step 6

If you still haven't remembered your phone password, try relaxing. A significant part of the assimilated information is stored in our subconscious. Lie on your back and try not to think about anything. You should be comfortable, and your palms will look up. Pay attention to your breathing. Just watch him. Muscle tension will disappear after a short time. This state is called deep relaxation. Stay in it. Start presenting an image of your phone password. Mentally paint the numbers that come to mind in a certain color, then come up with a font. So from the subconscious you can extract the password from the phone into memory.
