How To Remember A Phone Number

How To Remember A Phone Number
How To Remember A Phone Number

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There are situations when an important phone number is lost. Or simply not recorded. And suddenly the moment comes when it is necessary to remember it, but there are no records of this. How to be?


Step 1

If you have called a forgotten phone number at least once from your mobile or home phone, remember the exact or at least the approximate date of the call. Order detailed calls for the expected period from your mobile operator. By filtering out the phone numbers you know from the list, you can calculate the number you are looking for. It is a little more difficult to get the details of calls from an organization serving a landline phone.

Step 2

If more or less detailed information about the subscriber has been preserved, find his phone number using the available information. The easiest way to do this is when looking for a legal entity's phone number. Here you will be helped by various telephone directories, information services, the Internet. It is much more difficult to remember the telephone number of a private person in this way. Especially the cell number.

Step 3

If the number was written down on paper and lost, but the sheet that lay under the lost sheet is preserved, there should be prints of your notes on it. Do not exclude this method of remembering a forgotten phone number.

Step 4

Try using psychological memory techniques. They are based on the most realistic representation of the environment at the time you saw and possibly recorded your lost phone number. Of course, such methods are not suitable for everyone and do not give quick and one hundred percent results. But on the other hand, long-term practice will help you remember other forgotten data in a similar way in the future.

Step 5

See a hypnologist. Ask him to put you into a hypnological trance in order to accurately remember the forgotten information. But keep in mind that the services of a good doctor are not cheap, and it is better not to go to the bad ones. This method surpasses psychological methods in terms of effectiveness, but no good doctor also gives a full guarantee.
