How To Charge Agm

How To Charge Agm
How To Charge Agm

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By their design, gel batteries, or as they are also called agm batteries, differ little from standard batteries based on liquid electrolyte. They are very little served, which complicates the life of an ordinary consumer.


Step 1

Observe the necessary precautions. AGM batteries are very similar in design to conventional batteries. Therefore, when charging the battery, do not smoke under any circumstances; eliminate all sources of open flames or sparks. Those. even flipping an ordinary switch is not worth it. This is due to the fact that when the battery is charged, hydrogen can be released during a chemical reaction. If it reaches a dangerous concentration in an enclosed space, there is a high probability of an explosion if there are sources of fire in the same room. AGM can be charged not only in an upright position, unlike ordinary lead-acid batteries.

Step 2

Also remember not to use car chargers to charge gel batteries as the charging current will stabilize at an unacceptably high level.

Step 3

Use an uninterruptible power supply rated for a battery of the same capacity to recharge the agm battery. In fact, this is the easiest and most affordable way. You will need a power source - get one from the car market. Used is quite suitable, since new ones are sold only in a set with their own batteries.

Step 4

Make sure the UPS is unplugged. Connect your battery to it; be sure to observe the polarity. Switch on the device. Do not touch any wires while charging. When charging is complete, the device will inform you about this.

Step 5

Use a constant current source to charge the gel battery. Note that this is not a constant voltage source. The process of charging an agm battery is similar to charging an ordinary lead-acid one. Keep the battery under current equal to approximately 0.1 of its capacity.

Step 6

Then, when the voltage reaches 2.4V, reduce the amperage to 0.05 of the battery capacity. The battery should be kept under this current for about 2 hours. Switch off the device. Remove the charged battery from it.
