Getting Started On Mac

Getting Started On Mac
Getting Started On Mac

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More and more people are switching from Windows to other operating systems. This can be due to many factors, from convenience to technical support. One of the most popular Microsoft alternatives is the Mac with OS X. However, new users often have a lot of questions, since it is not so easy to make a painless transition from one OS to another. If you want to get up to speed quickly on Mac, follow these tips.


Step 1

Back up your Windows data in case of emergency. An external hard drive is ideal for these purposes. To be compatible with OS X, the drive must be formatted to FAT32.

Step 2

Use the Migration Assistant. This is a free utility that comes with any Mac. It allows you to transfer the contents of one computer to another. Moreover, the program will literally copy everything: from email accounts to bookmarks in the browser.

Step 3

On Mac, by default, it is forbidden to install programs downloaded directly from the Internet. For these purposes, there is the Mac App Store. If you want to eliminate this limitation, go to "Settings", then select "Protection / Security" and select the "General" tab. In the "Allow the use of programs that are downloaded from" section, check the box next to "Any source".

Step 4

For OS X, there is an alternative for almost every application that exists on Windows. However, if you often play a game or need special software, use the free Boot Camp utility, which allows you to install additional operating systems on your Mac. A new partition will be created on your hard drive, where you can select the operating system to boot.

Step 5

Use the System Preferences app to connect your Twitter, Google, and Microsoft Exchange accounts. There you can also configure the keyboard and mouse, sound, firewall, as well as change the network access parameters and connect additional equipment.
