7 Easy Tips To Maintain Your Mac

7 Easy Tips To Maintain Your Mac
7 Easy Tips To Maintain Your Mac

Your MAC will run quickly and smoothly if you periodically run Disk Utility to clean and optimize certain systems. Most of the actions are performed using system programs or special applications.

Mac computers are reliable and easy to maintain. If the equipment starts to work slowly, errors appear, you can not carry it immediately for repairs or buy new components. There are seven simple steps you can take to get your computer back to speed and performance.

Run Disk Utility every couple of months

Disk Utility allows you to restore access rights and check the operation of the hard disk. It is located in the / Applications / Utilities folder. Restoring access should be done every time after installing or uninstalling a large number of applications.

Disk recovery is the main functional part. You can check the boot volume or restore it at any time using hot keys. Press Command + R and run the utility. The option allows you to detect damage to the hard disk or the presence of partially damaged areas.

The utility should be run not only on the disk itself, but also on the boot section. If errors are found, they will be highlighted in red. In most cases, the program itself fixes them.

Do a spring cleaning

Mac contains a huge number of temporary items and various settings at the hardware and software level. They can affect the operation of the system or individual applications. At the hardware level, you can take advantage of PRAM and SMC / PMU settings, boot volume information and partition tables. The software includes system and user caches.

Download the cleaning app first. Check its compatibility with your gadget. The most popular are:

  • OnyX;
  • MacCleanse;
  • Cocktail;
  • CleanMyMac and others.

After installing the application, proceed with cleaning. All the proposed options have an intuitive interface, so even a person who does not have special knowledge can cope with the task.

After checking the hard disk, you can reset the SMC / PMU. This should be done if there are problems with cooling, sleep mode, or power errors. The reset process is different for different MacBooks. After that, reset PRAM by pressing the Command + Option + P + R key combination. The system will reboot until you release the buttons.

When cleaning, you should:

  • go through various system caches, including kernels, boot disks;
  • delete all user-related caches;
  • run scripts.

Keep your Mac software always up to date

Keeping the software up to date is mandatory. Run Software Update periodically and check for updates for individual applications. All of them can contain data for correcting common errors, providing additional security and expanding functionality.

By default, the software is updated once a week, but you can set the required interval yourself or do it manually. It should be noted that OS X Mountain Lion makes this feature fully automated.

Set up startup for the apps you need and keep your desktop clean

If you want to make certain applications start immediately when you turn on your MacBook, then you can select them from the "System Preferences" menu. Select "Users and Groups", make sure your user account is highlighted. It remains to select the "Login Items" tab.

Stop choosing servers, programs that will automatically start. However, it is worth remembering that you should not overload the computer with autoruns, as autorun time can significantly increase. If you understand that some applications are not needed at this time, then just hold down Shift while the Mac loads them.

A large amount of files on your desktop can also slow down your computer. The same happens with all gadgets on which Windows is installed. The slower is less noticeable on newer Macbook models, but still is. This is due to the fact that the icon and preview files take up a lot of RAM. And the less it is, the more the computer slows down. The best solution is to move the files to the appropriate folders.

Remember to make regular backups

Such work is necessary for complete maintenance. This is a good practice, because in case of damage, it will be possible to load the previously installed information and thereby "cure" the gadget.

A simple solution would be to use the built-in Time Machine application. To work, you will need to prepare an external hard drive. After configuring the application, the rest of the process will start automatically. Do not forget to make manual backups before updating the system. You can use special services to store and open files in the cloud.

Monitor running processes

This item allows you to track why the computer is running too slowly or there is an unexpected increase in sound. System Monitor allows you to keep track of what processes are running. For work:

  • go to the "Programs" folder;
  • select "Utilities";
  • examine the information about the running processes that affect the processor.

This approach provides information about how the RAM is being used. If a process is using too many resources, but you know you can do without it, close it. To do this, just click on it with the mouse and select "End Process".

Install apps to ease the maintenance process

There are programs that allow you to diagnose your computer, copy files to the cloud, and ensure security. One of the in-demand utilities is Do Not Disturb. She will not allow you to open the MacBook unnoticed. The program monitors for attacks that bypass local authentication. It is possible to configure the function to take a photo with a laptop or netbook camera when the lid is opened.

Equally useful for maintenance is the What’s Keeping Me program. It allows you to unlock programs before uninstalling them. It often happens that a file cannot be deleted from the Recycle Bin. The system explains this by the fact that he is busy with another program. Using the utility, you can get a list of processes for each file and terminate them. To do this, you will need to enter the administrator password.
