Recently, cases of fraud using mobile devices have become more frequent. Users themselves, banks and telecom operators, whose programs are installed on the gadget, suffer from this. Avito pay is the most widespread malware that can cause a lot of problems. How can you detect and remove it from your smartphone?
Fraud is increasing and improving not only in the real world, but also in the virtual environment. The tricks of fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated every day, and ordinary citizens who simply want to sell or buy something on popular virtual platforms are increasingly caught on the hook. Nowadays the spyware Avito Pay is widespread.
What a beast it is
Avito Pay is a dedicated app aimed at scamming the Avito marketplace. It is disguised as payment for goods. The program is in no way tied to a popular service, but only enjoys its popularity. The most common method of deception is an SMS messaging, which invites the potential victim to take certain actions. And it all looks quite convincing, which is why Avito users mostly fall for this bait.
Cheating options
The most common form is SMS mailing. The client receives a message with thematic content. It looks very convincing and therefore does not cause suspicion.
1. The money for the item has been sent. This is the most common message that notifies you of payment for an item. Typically, the sender is an unknown number. If someone suspects cheating, you can contact this number and the cheating will be revealed. Only this does not happen immediately, but after the malicious file has already "settled" in the phone.
The message must indicate the amount of the purchase, which enhances the effect. Below is the link that the victim clicks. No incentive is offered. This happens purely psychologically: since there is a link, it must lead somewhere.
You click on it and you find yourself supposedly on your page, where it is reported that your product is reserved by making a certain amount and it is offered to download the installation apk file, the execution of which triggers a number of unwanted effects.
2. I offer an exchange. This is the second most common method. An SMS comes to the smartphone about a profitable exchange, which is difficult to refuse. For example, the "buyer" does not offer you money, but another product that will obviously be better, which looks very attractive. Here again there will be a link, and then everything, as in the first version.
3. You will like it. The phone receives a message about an offer to buy a promotional product at a low price on Avito. For example, to buy an Apple smartphone or tablet at a price 2-3 times lower than the market value and the reason for such a low price is immediately described. Accordingly, those who pay for the goods are left in the dark.
Program actions
The phone becomes infected after downloading the Avito pay program. The system twice signals that the download of the program has failed. In fact, this is just such a move so that the user does not suspect anything, and the installed program begins to act. She debits funds from the balance in different ways. For example, it sends messages to premium numbers. This can take a long time until the operator notifies the client about the impressive debt. The program acts imperceptibly, so it is extremely difficult to track its actions.
Calls are made to toll numbers at night. Their cost can be up to several tens of rubles per minute. In this case, it will be impossible to return the funds. There are humorous or threatening actions. This can be understood by dissatisfied calls or messages from subscribers who come to your number. It will be very difficult to guess right away until you notice the “melting” balance in your account.
Some spy apps are capable of infiltrating your carrier's client software and activating a paid service. The most annoying thing is that the account balance will continue to decrease even if you removed the malware. She has already done her job and here it is necessary to solve the problem by contacting the subscription service.

The most dangerous version of the program is capable of infiltrating your bank's application and emptying your bank account. Fortunately, now all such applications are equipped with built-in antivirus, which will issue a warning when a threat arises and offer to remove the malicious program. For example, Sberbank has its own security measures. He demands to confirm by phone the transfer of an amount greater than a certain value within thirty minutes.
Another option is phone problems. Suddenly, there is abundant advertising, interfering with work and an offer to settle the problem for a certain reward.
Outdated Methods - Sending spam to people on your contact list. - Publishing posts on a social network with a link to malware. - Maybe an attempt to attack the computer. In this case, a promotional letter is sent, which contains a malicious link. When it gets to your hard drive, this program can do much more serious things. - Bots in chats can participate in the distribution of the program.
What to do if the program is already installed
- First, scan your mobile device with a free antivirus program. If you have an Android system, you can download it from Googlplay. It will not take up much space.
- Delete the boot file and run a device check. "Setting - Confidentiality". Uncheck the box from the Avito pay program. And only then can you remove it from the application manager. You will not be able to uninstall the program from there at the very beginning. The virtual "Delete" button will be inactive, and if you take this action, the program will multiply and disappear from the "Application Manager". The best option would be to do a factory reset and remove all programs. Then you will need to change the passwords for all accounts.

If the program has penetrated into the client program of the telecom operator and changed the settings there by connecting paid services, then rebooting the system with deleting the data will not help you. You will see that the money will continue to leave your account, regardless of whether your phone is on or not. In this case, you need to contact the subscription service and follow their instructions. If a large amount has left the balance, you can contact the law enforcement agencies and write a statement to initiate a case under the article "Fraud". Only the percentage of successful completion of such investigations is extremely low.
The simplest thing you can do is ignore the suspicious email or link with Avito pay. This way, you will avoid many problems. Remember Avito pay is a fraudulent application and has nothing to do with the Avito service.