Why SMS Messages From Sberbank Are Not Received On The Phone

Why SMS Messages From Sberbank Are Not Received On The Phone
Why SMS Messages From Sberbank Are Not Received On The Phone

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Almost everyone who uses Sberbank cards connects the "mobile bank" service. And this is not surprising, because with the help of this service, you can transfer funds at any time, put them on other accounts, find out the balance, etc., while performing all these operations without leaving your home. All operations are carried out via SMS.


  • - telephone;
  • - SIM card.


Step 1

Many people get nervous when they try to make any operation with a Sberbank card account via SMS, but the long-awaited confirmation messages do not come. Indeed, the situation is unpleasant, and it can arise for several reasons.

Step 2

Most often, the lack of messages from Sberbank is a technical failure. Failure can occur both at the bank itself and at the mobile operator. Most often, it is eliminated within a day, so before you panic, you should wait for the specified time, after which the function is usually restored on its own.

Step 3

The absence of messages from Sberbank (as well as from ordinary users) is the main signal that the device has stopped receiving SMS. It is easy to check if this is the reason. Reboot your phone (better with removing the battery) or try to put the SIM card on another device.

Step 4

You may not receive SMS from Sberbank due to non-payment for the service. Perhaps you did not have funds on your card for a long time and the "mobile bank" service was not paid on time. There is only one solution - to top up the balance of the card.

By the way, some users turn off the service by mistake by typing the wrong combination (combinations of services are very similar, the only difference is in the number). It is easy to check if the option is connected. Insert your Sberbank card into any ATM and go to the "Mobile Bank" section. It will show whether the service is connected, to which number it is linked.
