Pre-sale Preparation Of A Personal Computer

Pre-sale Preparation Of A Personal Computer
Pre-sale Preparation Of A Personal Computer

Sooner or later, your old computer will cease to suit you, and you decide to buy a new one. Throwing out the old one, of course, is a pity and it is unreasonable - therefore, many sell a used computer and, adding the missing amount, are happy when buying a new one.

But before you sell it, you need to perform some actions, thanks to which the new owner will not be able to use not his own data. To begin with, we will make a backup copy of the materials, videos or photo archives most valuable to you. Ideally, if you have a flash drive or SSD drive to save what is most valuable to you, since everything will be irrevocably destroyed.

It is also necessary to go through the procedure for deactivating licenses and deauthorizing the installed commercial programs in order to easily install and activate them on a new computer. After you have saved what is valuable to you, as well as the licenses, we format, i.e. erase everything from the hard drive, in the "My PC" window, press the RMB on the hard drives one by one and select the * format * option, activate full formatting, although it will take longer, it erases not only the names, but everything else.

Quick formatting will erase only the names of files, folders and directories, i.e. visually you will not see them, but in fact they will remain in place and it will not be difficult for a specialist to make everything readable. Check and make sure that all your data is destroyed, except for those that you copied to another medium and disconnected it from the system. Reboot your computer. That's all.
