How To Tune To The Sirius Satellite

How To Tune To The Sirius Satellite
How To Tune To The Sirius Satellite

Table of contents:


A satellite TV system is a set of equipment that receives television programs, which are broadcast using special communication satellites located above the equator in geostationary orbits.

It is necessary

  • - antenna;
  • - receiver;
  • - television.


Step 1

Install the antenna wall mount on a vertical surface at a strictly 90 degree angle. Secure all provided points with bolts. Place the center converter and multifeeds on the center arc of the antenna. First, install a multifeed. To do this, put the mounting plate on the antenna arc, tighten it with a bolt-nut. Place the converter on it and turn it 100 counterclockwise (1 division = 5 degrees).

Step 2

To tune the antenna to Sirius, place the third converter in the center of the arc, turn it by 10-15 degrees. Tighten all fasteners completely. Prepare three short pieces of wire, strip them, screw on the F-connectors, connect them to the converters, put on the protective covers. Mount the antenna to the wall mount. To be able to turn it, do not tighten the fastening nuts completely.

Step 3

Install a central satellite to tune the antenna to Sirius. To do this, connect the wire from the converter to input 1 of the DiSEqC switch. From its output, connect the cable to the input of the receiver (tuner), tune the equipment to the Sirius satellite. To do this, connect the tuner (receiver) to the TV, make the settings according to the instructions. In the main menu of the receiver select the “Antenna installation” mode, set the frequency in the “Manual search” 11, 766 GHz, horizontal polarization “H”, and the value of the flow rate 27500 SR.

Step 4

Set up the satellite signal. To do this, select the appropriate menu, be guided by the "Quality" scale. Place the antenna vertically and rotate it very slowly in different directions to obtain a signal. After you have caught the signal, reach its maximum value.

Step 5

Next, turn on the "Scan" mode to determine which satellite the antenna is tuned to. If everything is correct, a list of channels corresponding to the satellite will appear on the screen. Then firmly tighten all the antenna nuts, tighten them, but watch the signal, because he can go away.
