Benefits Of A Hybrid Laptop

Benefits Of A Hybrid Laptop
Benefits Of A Hybrid Laptop

An article on what a hybrid laptop is. Its advantages and disadvantages. Who first developed the hybrid laptop and when.

The Chinese company Lenovo developed the first hybrid laptop in 2010. The hybrid laptop has a detachable screen, while two devices are combined in one. Each device has an individual operating system, separate processor. That is why a removable tablet and a full-fledged laptop work both together and independently of each other. Such a device is very convenient for many. Let's take a look at the IdeaPad U1 hybrid laptop from Lenovo. I think many have heard of such a company. It is made using a technology called the Hybrid Switch. What does this give as a result? The device quickly switches between the two platforms. You can continue viewing information by removing the screen from your laptop and just having a tablet at your disposal. The IdeaPad U1 displays six sections so you can use multiple web services at the same time. There is a mode in four sections, in which you can simultaneously view video files, photos, open files for reading and listen to audio recordings. The IdeaPad U1 has two batteries. This allows your tablet and laptop to last more than five hours of battery life using a 3G connection while browsing the web. The hybrid laptop also has a useful mode, namely standby mode. The maximum standby time is up to sixty hours. The touchscreen functions separately on a 1GHz Snapdragon ARM processor. Note that the Intel Core 2Duo U4100 processor is used in the laptop itself, the hard drives in it work silently, they are solid-state. The operating system name is Lenovo Me Centric. It is worth noting that the device can provide data synchronization between 48 and 16 GB of memory. The IdeaPad U1 has a Skylight graphical interface, it has two modes. The first mode is a familiar plane with six sectors, and the second mode is a “flower” with four proportional “petals”. Both modes provide effective and quick access to your multimedia library. The benefits of the IdeaPad U1 Hybrid Laptop don't end there. This model has a microphone, built-in video camera and two speakers. But Lenovo isn't alone in developing hybrid notebooks. ASUS has also created a line of such laptops called Transformer Books. We will also consider them in more detail. What processor base are they made on? On Intel Core i7 Ivy Bridge. An SSD drive, a discrete video adapter, two cameras (rear and front), 4 GB of RAM - all this is present in the ASUS hybrid laptop. The operating system there is very popular today - Windows 8, although many users are unhappy with it. The company plans to release at once three models of universal hybrid notebooks with removable screens of 14, 13 and 11, 6 inches.
