How To Make An Antenna For The Megafon Modem

How To Make An Antenna For The Megafon Modem
How To Make An Antenna For The Megafon Modem

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If you purchased a 3G modem to replace the old one and connected it to your computer, and the speed remained the same, then this, as a rule, is due to a weak network signal in your area. Using an external antenna can remedy this situation.

It is necessary

  • - modem;
  • - external and internal antennas;
  • - coaxial cable.


Step 1

Check the coverage area of the 3G network of the mobile operator "MegaFon", to do this, go to its website and look for a 3G network coverage map. If you are in a zone or on its border, but the modem does not connect to the Internet, then the signal strength is too weak. This means that it is below the sensitivity limit of the modem. Use an external antenna for the modem to amplify the signal. It can provide an increase in speed by one and a half times due to the increase in the signal-to-noise ratio.

Step 2

Since all modems are made in flash drive format, they do not provide the ability to connect an external antenna. Use the principle of a contactless antenna adapter to connect it, namely by re-emission of the signal. Take an external antenna to receive a signal from the street, and an internal antenna to redirect the signal to the modem, connect them with a cable assembly made of coaxial cable. Its low attenuation frequency is 2100 MHz. Use the external antenna S 12 / 1900-2170 to amplify the modem's signal, which will work at the 3G frequency.

Step 3

Use model AP-800 / 2500-360 to route the signal to the internal antenna of the modem. It looks like a flat plate about the size of a business card with a circular radiation pattern. Attach the antenna with tape to the modem, so you get a contactless adapter. Connect the antennas to each other using an 8D-FB coaxial cable. Pay close attention to its quality, otherwise connecting the antenna to the modem will lose all sense, as there will be significant signal loss. You also need to be careful when installing an outdoor antenna. Determine the exact direction to the station, and if it is unknown, find out empirically using a laptop and a connected modem.
