How To Connect A Plate

How To Connect A Plate
How To Connect A Plate

Table of contents:


How could people do without a plate before? A television is now in every home, and a person boasts a wide selection of channels. Even if it is impossible to watch all 64 channels at the same time, the main thing is that he has this very dish. Every avid TV viewer can connect a plate at home.


Tool kit, plate, cable, DVB-card, receiver


Step 1

Choose a place where the plate will be located. It is very important that nothing interferes with the ability to pick up the signal from the satellite.

Step 2

Secure the antenna using the nuts, but do not overtighten.

Step 3

Adjust the direction of the antenna so that it points towards the satellite.

Step 4

Connect the dish converter to the DVB card using a cable, and first install the connectors on it.

Step 5

Pay attention to the receiver when you rotate the antenna to search for a signal.

Step 6

Now that the signal is getting clearer, choose the final location of the antenna and secure it with bolts and nuts.
