How To Order A Loan On Megafon

How To Order A Loan On Megafon
How To Order A Loan On Megafon

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The service and "Credit of Trust" will be able to help out those subscribers who, at the right time, find themselves without sufficient funds on their personal account. After receiving a temporary payment, the user will immediately be able to call, send an SMS or MMS message, and also go online.


Step 1

Connection of the "Trust Credit" is possible in several ways. Firstly, you can always visit the Megafon communication salon or customer service office. In order to calculate the credit limit, contact a sales consultant or an office employee: he will tell you how to do it correctly. When activating a credit payment in this way, the subscriber will have to have a service agreement and a passport with him. There is no subscription fee for this service.

Step 2

The second connection option does not imply a personal appeal to a communications salon or company office. In this case, self-activation is possible. Just dial the USSD command number * 138 # on the keyboard of your mobile device, then press the call button. After sending, you will have to decide on the amount of the payment to be credited. The proposed amounts are in the range from three hundred to one thousand seven hundred rubles.

Step 3

You can cancel the ordered service at any time, without even leaving your home. You can also send a request to the operator yourself. To do this, use the USSD number * 138 * 2 #. Upon receipt and processing of the request by the operator, the "Trust Credit" will be terminated. Please note that you can re-use the service as soon as you need it, the operator does not impose any restrictions on the connection of the credit.

Step 4

Do not forget that all services can be managed through the Service-Guide system. With its help, subscribers can activate, configure and deactivate the services of interest around the clock. However, before entering it, you will need to connect it itself (this is available directly through the guide's interface and at the customer service center).

Step 5

Another telecom operator, for example, MTS, also has a similar service. It is called the Promised Payment. In order to activate it, use the USSD-command * 111 * 32 # or call the company's subscriber service at 1113. A trust payment is available for Beeline customers, which can be easily connected by sending a request * 141 #. Depending on the operator's criteria, your personal account will be credited from thirty to four hundred and fifty rubles.
