How To Play Music On Your Phone

How To Play Music On Your Phone
How To Play Music On Your Phone

Table of contents:


A modern mobile phone can play tunes in MIDI, AMR and MP3 formats, but it cannot be used as a musical instrument for real-time playing. Third-party applications will help to correct this situation.


Step 1

On phones with a numeric keypad, twelve keys (ten numbers, an asterisk and a pound key) are sufficient for playing within one octave. If you have such a device, install the JPianinho Java application on it. The phone keys in this program have the following purpose: numbers from 1 to 9 - notes, asterisk - flat, hash - sharp, 0 - zero octave, vertical arrows - selection of key, horizontal arrows - selection of duration in milliseconds.

Step 2

If the device supports the Java standard, but its screen is touch-sensitive, it is much more convenient to use it as a musical instrument - the number of octaves will increase. Use the QPiano program for this. After launching it will display a fragment of the piano keyboard on which you can play like a real one. Touch phones based on Symbian and Bada platforms are backward compatible with J2ME, so the specified program works on them as well.

Step 3

Some versions of QPiano also work on phones without a touchscreen, but with an alphabetic keyboard. In this case, the virtual keys indicate which physical keys correspond to them. Due to the lack of keys, even on the alphabet keyboard, not all notes shown on the screen can be played.

Step 4

Java programs run relatively slowly when run on Symbian phones. If your phone with this OS is touch-sensitive and you are not satisfied with the speed of the QPiano application, install the Pocket Piano program. Its advantage is the presence of a more flexible system of settings, as well as the function of recording the game in real time.

Step 5

There are programs that turn your phone into a piano for iOS lovers as well. There are several of them, for example, Virtuoso Piano Free, "Piano". And if you're happy with the paid apps, try Piano *, Real Piano Pro, Fun Piano, among others.

Step 6

The developers of software emulators of the piano and users of the Android platform are not overlooked. For this OS, programs such as My Piano, My Piano Assistant, Angel Piano, Mini Piano, xPiano, Little Piano, Piano Instructor Lite have been created. They differ from each other in the number of octaves and a set of functions - use them all in turn and choose the most suitable one for you.
