How To Remake A Switch

How To Remake A Switch
How To Remake A Switch

Table of contents:


Switches are network hubs with their own firmware. Their main advantage lies in transmitting data to a specific node, and not to all devices that make up the local network.


COM cable


Step 1

To change the parameters of the network switch, you need to access the settings menu of this device. The software of modern switches allows you to use a web interface, while the configuration of relatively old devices was completely performed through the command console.

Step 2

Download and install the Hyper Terminal program. You will need it to configure the connection between the switch and your computer or laptop. Connect the COM port of the personal computer to the Console connector of the switch. Some models can connect via USB.

Step 3

Launch Hyper Terminal, select the used COM port. Set the appropriate baud rate between the computer and the switch. Launch your internet browser. Enter the IP address of the network switch in its address bar. Use the instruction manual for your network equipment to find out the meaning of the standard IP address.

Step 4

After entering the web interface of the device settings, enter the username and password. Most switches are equipped with a security system to prevent unwanted changes in the operating parameters of these devices.

Step 5

To change the main parameters of the switch, open the LAN menu. Examine the table that appears and change the values of the required items. Be sure to save your changes by clicking the Apply or Ok button.

Step 6

Open the Routing Table menu. Set additional routes if you need to ensure guaranteed communication of certain devices. Reboot the switch after completing all of the above procedures.

Step 7

If the switch being configured does not have its own web-based interface, use the command console to configure it. In this case, read the instructions for the device to find out the purpose of certain commands and how to enter them.
