How To Find Out The Location Of A Mobile Phone

How To Find Out The Location Of A Mobile Phone
How To Find Out The Location Of A Mobile Phone

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If you want to find out where your friend, close person or just acquaintance is now, use the special service of your operator (the name of each service may be different, however, the essence of this does not change). You just need to dial one number, and the location of the other subscriber is in your "pocket".


Step 1

The operator "MTS" provides subscribers with the "Locator" service. However, before using it, remember that you must first obtain the consent of the other subscriber to determine the location of his mobile phone (respectively, and himself). And only after that you can safely send a message with its number to 6677. For each sending of such an SMS, about 10 rubles will be deducted from your account (less or more, it all depends on the operator's rates on each tariff plan).

Step 2

Megafon offers its customers two types of services for finding a mobile phone and its subscriber. You can use the first one on the site, where you will receive information about the location of a person and a map with exact coordinates. Information can also be obtained via USSD-request * 148 * subscriber number # (specify the number in the format +7) and by number 0888. After you use one of these search methods, the wanted subscriber will receive a message about this. If he does not mind, then he will need to send his consent in the form of an SMS message with your number to 000888. The cost of the request is 5 rubles. The operator also offers parents a special service that allows them to search for their children. True, it is provided only on two tariffs: "Ring-Ding" and "Smeshariki". You can find out more on the official website.

Step 3

The company "Beeline" provides two numbers by which you can get the coordinates of the location of the subscriber and his mobile phone: 06849924 and 684. The first number is provided for calls, and the second - for sending SMS messages. The message text should contain only the letter "L". Each request will cost you 2 rubles and 5 kopecks (regardless of whether you send an SMS or call).
