How To Re-register A Phone

How To Re-register A Phone
How To Re-register A Phone

Table of contents:


Any phone number can be re-registered to another owner. Find out more about the required documents at the offices of your telephone company or on the official website of the service provider. Please note that in this case, documents of all participants in the re-registration procedure are required.


  • - the passport;
  • - other documents depending on the type of room.


Step 1

Contact the subscriber department of your mobile network operator to renew the contract for another name. In this case, when re-registering, the presence of the current owner of the number and the person to whom the further registration will take place is required.

Step 2

You also need to have a passport or any other document proving your identity in accordance with the laws of the country in which you registered the number. If the owner of the number is not able to appear at the service office of the city in which you are located, learn more about the possibility of providing them with the relevant documents to another branch of the company according to its location.

Step 3

To reissue your city phone number, contact your telephone company with an application for reissuance. Also, when applying, you must provide the following package of documents: a passport, a certificate of ownership for each participant from the shopping center, a certificate from the housing department about the persons registered at this address, a certificate of compliance of your telephone set with established standards or simply its registration certificate, which is included in the package with the purchase.

Step 4

You will also need to provide documents confirming payment for the number re-registration service. The amount may vary depending on the region and the company serving you. Find out more about the full set of documents and about changes in the procedure for re-registering a number at the offices of the city telephone exchange serving you or other telephone company serving you.

Step 5

In the event of the death of the owner of the phone number, be sure to contact the operator with a statement about the termination of the provision of services or for further re-registration of the number, if available. In the event of the death of the owner of the GTS number, also contact the company's office. In both cases, it is necessary to provide copies of documents confirming the fact of death of the owner of the room.
