How To Turn On The I900 Phone

How To Turn On The I900 Phone
How To Turn On The I900 Phone

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A number of Samsung i900 phone models are a combination of modern design and great functionality. However, to start using your phone, you must first turn it on.


Step 1

You bought an expensive and stylish mobile phone. You can be congratulated. If you turned it on in the salon, it is logical to assume that you did not create a secret from this and showed where the power button is located on the phone. Until the phone is completely discharged, you can use it. On the top edge of the mobile device there is a button with a charging indicator. If you change the SIM-card, you will have to turn off the phone by pressing this button. Then open the back cover, remove the battery, change the SIM card, put the battery back in place, close the back cover. You need to turn on the phone in the same way as to turn it off - by pressing the button.

Step 2

When you put the phone on charge, the indicator on the power button will light up. If it has a red glow, it means that the phone is charging, if it is green, the device is charged. Remember that lithium-ion batteries (more common today) can be charged a little longer than usual for a couple of hours. When the indicator shows accumulation, it means that about eighty percent of the charge has been accumulated, the remaining accumulates over additional time. Nickel-metal hydride batteries are recommended to be charged when fully discharged.

Step 3

Any technical product must be accompanied by a user manual, which describes the main points during operation. If the phone often turns off on its own, this may be caused by a technical malfunction of both the battery itself and the mobile device. It may be the case that the device simply does not turn on after turning off the code. What needs to be done to identify the cause of the malfunction is indicated in the instructions, as well as the addresses and phone numbers of the support service.
