How To Pay By Credit Card Phone

How To Pay By Credit Card Phone
How To Pay By Credit Card Phone

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Many banks nowadays provide a service for managing their own account using the Internet. You can transfer money to another account, open deposits and put money on a mobile phone number.


  • - computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - card;
  • - ATM.


Step 1

Use an ATM to replenish your mobile account with a card. To do this, insert the card into the receiving device, enter your PIN code and select the appropriate service. As a rule, it is called "Payment for services" or "Mobile communications". Select an operator, enter your mobile phone number and the amount you want to replenish your account with from the card. Then confirm the entered data and click "OK".

Step 2

Use the internet banking system if supported by your bank. Some institutions require the conclusion of a special agreement for servicing the card via the Internet. To do this, contact the nearest bank branch in which you have issued a card and check this point with specialists. After the conclusion of the agreement, you will be registered in the system and you will be given a login and password to enter the Internet banking system.

Step 3

Go to the bank's website, log in to the Internet banking system. Additionally, you may need to enter a code that is sent to the mobile phone number specified during registration. This is to keep your account secure.

Step 4

Select the "Top up mobile account" command. Then enter the phone number and amount, confirm the operation. In the future, you will not need to enter the number again. Usually, the system remembers all used numbers, as well as the amount of replenishment.

Step 5

Link the card to a phone number, for this, order this service in the Internet banking system and activate it. Get a list of commands that you can use to manage your account from your mobile phone, for example, transfer money to another card, top up your account.

Step 6

Contact the cashier of the store, where it is possible to pay for the goods using the terminal. As a rule, they have a mobile phone top-up service.
